Health Care for 1% of the Cost
Health Care for 1% of the Cost There is a general consensus that U.S. healthcare needs major reform. Can reverse innovation...
Health Care for 1% of the Cost There is a general consensus that U.S. healthcare needs major reform. Can reverse innovation...
Kristina walked into my office and took a seat. “So, tell me,” I said, “what excites you about this role?” “I feel I’m very qualified for this job,” she...
The on-going digitization of everyday life is providing the world of marketing with numerous emerging opportunities to interact with...
“Give me a minute, let me check my Twitter feed.” “Oh, one second, I got a new e-mail.” “Hey, check out this new social network!” Focus seems to have...
One week after starting my speaking business a dozen years ago, I met with the owner of a speaker’s bureau in London to discuss representation...
The most likely starting point to build a profitable network is to analyze your current network and figure out who you already know. If you have networked...
Are marketers the most loathed human beings on earth? It is a question worthy of an answer. As a marketing professional, I often wonder where...
We all revere innovation. It is the mystical driver of progress, the secret sauce, the touchstone we reach for whenever our backs are against the...
“If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” That admonition from childhood might still ring in your ears. You learned that if you wanted to...
One idea that is starting to become very clear in the minds of many of the senior business leaders with whom I work is simply this – the most sustainable...
A few times a week, I get requests for advice on negotiating a job offer. They usually start like this: I’m in the recruiting process, and I just...
There’s a big difference between sticking with a brand and being stuck with one. If your customers aren’t happy with your brand but they stay with you because...